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President Ro Jae-hun :"Beyond cultural exchange, Korea and China should collaborate in co-creating culture."

[EDaily TV Reporter Lee Jieun]

Ro Jae-hun, Standing Chairman of the Preparatory Committee, stated at the Korea-China Friendship Forum held on the 19th in Seoul, "It's time to expand cooperation beyond simple cultural exchange to co-create culture together."

He emphasized, "30 years ago, our predecessors had a sense of mission to continue the history between the two countries," adding, "This was possible based on the principle of mutual respect and trust built on the homogeneity in culture and history between the two countries, and this principle has been continuously followed from the time of diplomatic relations to the present."

He continued, "The relationship between South Korea and China faces new challenges. Both countries have experienced remarkable economic growth, and the international order has played a role in this process," and said, "However, challenges do not come from fear and uncertainty but represent the necessity of a more mature development of Korea-China relations for the future."

He stated, "We need the patience, courage, and wisdom shown by the main figures at the time of diplomatic relations. Overcoming the differences in ideology, regime, and historical disconnection required beliefs and determination that should still be the basic spirit for the relationship between the two countries." He cited the cultural industry as a good example of areas where South Korea and China can pursue and realize common interests.

"This place is a celebration of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations, but also a place to predict the future of Korea-China relations," he said, emphasizing, "For a forward-looking relationship between Korea and China, cooperation is needed that goes beyond individual interests and pursues common interests and creates shared values together. The cultural industry is a good example of pursuing and realizing common interests."

He said, "The two countries have inherited and developed unique cultures while sharing cultural homogeneity that has continued throughout history," adding, "Based on these Asian cultural commonalities, we should cooperate in co-creating culture beyond simple cultural exchanges."

He concluded, "The culture that represents Hallyu will also be the seed of the creation of a universal culture fusing together Asian values," adding, "As we have seen SM artists in the video, many seeds are already planted. If Korea and China cooperate to create a united pan-Asian culture, starting with the Korean Wave, we expect the center of global culture to shift to Asia."

입력2022.07.20. 오후 12:23 / 수정2022.07.20. 오후 1:35

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